Darth Vader Bronze Statue

Thursday, December 1, 2011

SWTOR Patch Notes December 1, 2011

Source:http://www.darthhater.com/articles/swtor-news/19739-patch-notes-12-1-11 (Cleaned up all the typos/grammar, etc....)

Patch Notes
Build Date: 2011.12.01
Patch: 0.742.27
- Experience gains on Origin Worlds have been adjusted to help solo players reach level 10 more easily.
- Improved the overall performance of vanity pets.
- Using the /stuck command will no longer kill the player unless a safe location cannot be determined. Players can now only use /stuck every 120 seconds.
- Moving to a new planet instance no longer uses the players Quick Travel cooldown.
- Mail sent to another player will now have a 30 minute delay.
Classes and Combat:
- Further improved and balanced all class content above level 30.
- Slightly increased mouse targeting distance.
- Implemented improvements that increase the responsiveness of combat actions.
- Tab targeting now more accurately takes into account which enemies are on screen.
- Tab targeting can now select enemies at a longer range.
- Players can now use ground-targeted area of effect attacks in a 360 degree area around their character, regardless of what direction they are facing.
 Jedi Knight (Forum / Talent Calculator / Abilities)
- Jedi Knights can now obtain the Master title.
- Healing done by Zen has been decreased to 1% per tick while Juyo Form is active.
Bug Fixes:
- Force critical bonuses conferred by Focused Resonance now display properly on the character sheet.
 Sith Warrior (Forum / Talent Calculator / Abilities)
- Sith Warriors can now obtain the Darth title.
- Healing done by Berserk has been decreased to 1% per tick while Juyo Form is active.
Bug Fixes:
- Force critical bonuses conferred by Dark Resonance now display properly on the character sheet.
 Jedi Consular (Forum / Talent Calculator / Abilities)
- Force Potency now increases the range of Telekinetic Throw.
- Each use of Telekinetic Throw now uses a charge of Force Potency.
- Players are no longer able to cancel Force Lifts debuff by right-clicking it.
- Situational Awareness now reduces the Force cost of Whirling Blow and no longer reduces the cooldown of Cloud Mind.
 Sith Inquisitor (Forum / Talent Calculator / Abilities)
- Recklessness now increases the range of Force Lightning.
- Each use of Force Lightning now uses a charge of Recklessness.
- Players are no longer able to cancel Whirlwinds debuff by right-clicking it.
- Resourcefulness now reduces the Force cost of Lacerate and no longer educes the cooldown of Cloud Mind.
- Cover now has a 1-second cooldown.
- Recuperate can no longer be used from cover.
- Flechette Round now causes the next Shoot First or Back Blast to deal additional bleed damage and increases armor penetration by 50% for a moderate duration. It is no affected by the global cooldown and does not break stealth.
- Sucker Punch now requires 15 energy and has had its damage output decreased by 15%.
- Flying Fists damage output has been decreased by 15%.
- Sawed-Off now affects Flechette Round instead of Blaster Whip.
 Imperial Agent (Forum / Talent Calculator / Abilities)
- Cover now has a 1-second cooldown.
- Explosive Probe's animation now correctly displays when the probe is resisted by an enemy.
- Recuperate can no longer be used from cover.
- Acid Blade now causes the next Hidden Strike or Backstab to deal additional poison damage and increases armor penetration by 50% for a moderate duration. It is not affected by the global cooldown and does not break stealth.
- Laceration now requires 15 energy and has had its damage output decreased by 15%.
- Collateral Strike's damage output has been decreased by 15%.
- Waylay now affects Acid Blade instead of Shiv.
- Adjusted resource bar visuals for ammo gain and use.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue that prevented the skill Kolto Recharge from healing as intended.
- Concussive Force now properly increases the knockback distance of Concussion Charge.
General Combat Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue that caused multi-hit attacks to sometimes deal damage upon miss of deflect from the enemy.
- Calling a Medical Probe upon death now properly applies damage to equipment the player is wearing.
- The cooldown for calling a Medical Probe will now properly increase in phased areas.
Companion Characters:
- Companion Characters now vocalize less frequently during combat.
- Companion Characters are now silent when entering stealth modes.
- Companion names now display as a Companion.
Crew Skills:
- Added implants to the schematic filter for the crafting window and to trainers.
- Slightly increased critical chance for crafting and missions for Orange difficulty tasks.
Crafting Skills:
- Cybertechs can now craft modifiable Droid armor.
- Cybertech and Artifice modifications and enhancements have been updated.
- Crafted relics and space upgrades now bind to the character when equipped.
- Crafted items are no longer created with pre-slotted modifications.
Gathering Skills:
- The highest-level gathering nodes now spawn more regularly on Corellia and in the high-level mission area on Belsavis
Mission Skills:- Adjusted mission costs across all skill levels
- Treasure hunting relics now bind to the character when equipped
- Luxury Fabrics and Underworld Metals are now obtained through different missions
- Investigation Mission Discoveries now yield Researched Compounds
- Rich yields no longer always provide Artifact quality resources
- Mission rewards now include higher quantities of Prototype quality crafted materials
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue where Crafting schematics were not properly updating within the schematic trainer
- Learned Biochem schematics no longer disappear from the Crafting window
- Prototype and Artifact quality crafted weapons now have the correct weapon damage values
- Reverse engineering mode no longer toggles off after reverse engineering and item
- Items of less than Premium quality can no longer be reverse engineered
- Corrected refresh and mission tier issues
- Weapon damage and armor ratings listed on schematics now indicate these values on the resulting crafted items correctly
- Certain Prototype quality schematics for Artifice are no longer assigned to Synthweaving
Flashpoints and Operations:
- Flashpoint missions can now be obtained at level appropriate locations on most planets with complementary shuttle service to the Republic or Imperial Fleet
- Flashpoint mission levels have been adjusted to more accurately reflect their difficulty
- Early-level Flashpoint bosses are now slightly less difficult
- Nightmare Mode Operations are now significantly more challenging
- Corrected an issue that prevented Codex entries associated with Nightmare Mode from unlocking
Flashpoints: The Black Talon:
- Yadira Ban’s difficulty in Hard Mode has been increased
Bringing Down the Hammer:
- Battlelord Kreshan now drops loot
Colicoid War Games:
- This Flashpoint has undergone a difficulty balance pass
- The final boss no longer continually respawns
Directive 7:
- Bulwark’s mechanics now function properly
The Esseles:
- Vokk’s difficulty in Hard Mode has been increased
- Lieutenant Isric’s difficulty has been corrected in Hard Mode
The False Emperor:
- Normal Mode bosses now inflict less burst damage
- Boss mechanics in this Flashpoint now function properly in Normal and Hard Mode
The Foundry:
- A normal enemy NPC in this Flashpoint no longer drops boss loot
- The Operations lockout window now displays the current boss lockouts for your group members.
Eternity Vault:
- Nightmare mode chests now contain loot.
- Enrage timers have been added to Annihilator Droid XRR-3 and Gharj.
- The Ancient Pylon puzzle enemies now spawn.
- Button use timing for the Ancient Pylon puzzle has been corrected.
- The Infernal Council fight no longer resets as soon as the fight begins.
- Lava creatures now correctly spawn in the cave before Gharj.
Karaggas Palace:
- Bonethrasher no longer enters a state that causes him to cease executing his combat mechanics.
- Custom items now appear with an orange border in the inventory. All Custom items are modifiable.
- The Lhosan Racer is now a level 40 vehicle.
- Increased the stat diversity of medium armor drops on Origin Worlds.
- The cost of Droid armor is now comparable to the cost of other armor.
- Modifiable Artifact quality items now only feature modification and enhancement slots.
- Some redundant random shield generators with Force stats have been replaced by random foci.
- Decreased the chance for lockboxes to contain high-quality loot.
- All modification vendors that accept commendation now provide a consistent set of modification upgrades for each class.
- Prototype quality items sold by specialty goods vendors that accept credits can now also be found on the corresponding light, medium, and heavy armor vendors and weapon vendors.
- Republic Fleet commendation vendors now sell the special ability items that their Imperial counterparts sell.
Bug Fixes:
- The speeder vendor on the Imperial Fleet Station now properly displays the vehicles for sale.
- Heavy Force armor no longer drops from levels one through nine.
- Some items with Social rank requirements can no longer be equipped without meeting the requirement.
- Many high-level items now have the correct appearance when worn.
- Droid armor can now be auctioned.
- Some Earpieces and Implants purchased with commendations are no longer mislabeled.
- Advancement through Legacy Levels has been adjusted; it is now slower early on and does not increase dramatically as levels are gained.
- Legacy surnames are now displayed by default.
Missions and NPCs:
- Experience gained from completing missions has been increased.
- Taris (Republic) and Balmorra (Imperial) Bonus Series mission rewards are now the appropriate level.
- Most Wanted: The weapon cache now provides a companion weapon.
Bug Fixes:
- Corrected several missions that failed to grant item rewards properly.
- Decreased the difficulty of several high-level class story bosses.
- NPCs will now attempt to enter cover when fired upon.
Bug Fixes:
- Standard and Weak toughness enemies no longer regenerate health while under the effects of any 60-second crowd control abilities (such as Force Lift, Concussion Missile, etc).
- The center-screen message associated with the Deserter debuff now occurs after 50 seconds.
- The decay time for Resolve has been signficantly reduced, making character suseptible to fewer crowd control effects over short periods of time.
- The Glacial Fissure Imperial Med Center is now a safe area for Empire characters.
PvP Items:
- Added two new, exclusive vehicles to rare spawn Outlaws Den vendors.
- Level 20 and level 40 PvP gear is now available from vendors on the Republic and Imperial Fleets.
- Battlemaster Gear Bags are now only available from daily and weekly PvP missions.
- Battlemaster implants and earpieces can now be purchased for Warzone and Mercenary Commendations.
- PvP vehicles now have Valor rank requirements.
- PvP lockboxes under level 50 now cost 3 Warzone Commendations.
- The Overcharge consumable now increases expertise by 15% for 20 seconds.
- The PvP Heal consumable now restores 35% of maximum health.
- Valor rank requirements on items now function properly.
- Expertise has been added to many endgame PvP items.
- The Combatant medal is now awarded at 75k damage.
- The Healer medal is now awarded at 75k healing.
Alderaan Civil War:
- Reduced the interaction time for the targeting console to 8 seconds.
- The scoreboard now indicates which team score belongs to the player.
- The large installation cannon now fires at the end of the match.
- Scoring blasts from cannons now occur at roughly 20-second intervals and now remove 10 points of shield strength.
- Art for the sky in this Warzone has been improved.
Bug Fixes:
- Corrected an issue that caused Republic players to see misaligned scores.
- Small body type characters can no longer move behind the pipes near the side control nodes.
- Small body type characters no longer become stuck in some areas of this Warzone.
- Turret shots no longer hit invisible collision areas while firing at the Imperial drop ship.
- Players no longer receive a development debug message while interacting with turret control consoles.
- A visual error during the destruction animation for drop ships has been corrected.
- The ball now returns to a players in the combat space (or the middle if no player is in range) if a player uses Force Pull on a character carrying the ball to bring them into the safe area.
- Players can no longer hold the ball on the edge of their respawn zone.
- Performance inside the Huttball Warzone has been increased.
Bug Fixes:
- Players on the Frogdog team now properly lose the Deserter Detection debuff when they enter a combat area.
- The interaction time to plant bombs, extend the bridge, and lower fields has been reduced to 8 seconds.
- The detonation countdown time has been increased to 20 seconds.
- Attackers will no advance to the next respawn point until at least one attack reaches the next room.
- Extending the bridges and lowering the force fields now count as progress when determining tiebreakers for matches where neither team reached the datacore.
- A platform has been added to the reactor room attacker spawn location to prevent fall damage.
- The Voidstar intro cinematic has been improved.
- Environmental visual effects have been added to this Warzone.
- Radio transmission and broadcast audio (instructional and ambient) have been added.
Bug Fixes:
- Players now teleport to the correct respawn location for their side when joining the Warzone after it has started.
- A crate that allowed players to bypass a force field has been removed.
- Map notes now use the appropriate bomb planted icons when a bomb is placed on a door.
- The bridge now appear extended correctly to players who were in the hangar room as the bridges were extended.
- The Voidstar map on the loading screen is now correct.
- Voidstar maps now take recent geometry changes into account and have been updated.
- The Revive window now closes properly between rounds.
- Fixed an issue that could cause players to be teleported to the wrong location during the round transition.
- Fixed an issue that could cause level matching in the matchmaking system to function improperly.
- Corrected an issue that caused players that were unflagged upon entering a Warzone to remain flagged after leaving one.
World PvP:
Battle for Ilum:
- The War Effort buffs now have a new icon.
- Ambient music now plays during various events during the Battle for Ilum.
Bug Fixes:
- Corrected an issue that could cause objectives to become stuck in the "secured" state.
- Corrected text inconsistencies in Battle for Ilum missions and objective notes.
- Players who load directly into the Western Shelf PvP area now properly receive the area status effect if a faction controls the area.
- The Republic and Imperial Bases now properly play aerial bombardment explosions when a factions controls the zone.
- Fixed a bug that could cause music events to no work properly when an Assault area was captured.
The Outlaws Den (Tatooine):
- Added two new, exclusive vehicles to the Outlaws Den vendors.
- Chests in Outlaw's Den now drop 20 Mercenary Commendations.
Bug Fixes:
- Mercenary Commendations chest no longer appear empty on being opened.
- The text associated with the mission for Outlaw's Den has been corrected.
Bug Fixes:
- Alacrity no longer reduces the channel time of interacting with objects inside Warzones.
- Characters now receive appropriate stat bonuses when bolstered.
- Players are no longer awarded additional stealth time when reviving if they die inside an exhaustion area.
- Players can no longer toggle their PvP flag while in contested, Team Free-for-All, Free-for-All, or opposing faction regions.
- Corrected an issue that could cause characters to remain in combat longer than intended.
Space Combat:
- Player and companion voiceovers now sound like they are coming from the ship intercom.
- EMP Generator damage is no longer scaled by the setting of your power conversion module.
- Decreased the experienced gain from daily Space Combat missions.
- When the Group Leader changes to the Master Loot setting, a message will now display to all members of the group or team.
- The server select screen now more accurately indicates the population of each server.
- Servers that are currently offline are now displayed at the bottom of the server lists.
- Removed the /bug button from the User Interface. Players should now submit bugs using the Customer Service Portal.
- The Inspect feature now shows some stats and other information that was previously missing.
- Clicking on an item will now attach it to the mouse cursor.
- Added the ability to right-click to add/remove item modifications.
- Mail can now be opened using a single click.
- The loot window will now close if players select Take All, regardless of whether or not items require a group roll.
- Removed the Show Coverbar button from the main UI.
- Nameplate health bars now match their color to the text instead of always displaying as red.
- Added a Character Stuck button to the upper right corner of the Help Window.
- The Trainer window no longer displays empty tabs.
- Icons for high-level Commendation items now indicate the item type they provide.
- The visual and sound effects for a player duel challenge have been updated.
- Stackable items are now grouped together in the loot window.
- Character limitations will now display in the error message when players enter a name that is too long.
- The game credits can now be viewed by pressing the Credits button while on the character select screen.
- The cinematics menu on the character select screen now functions properly.
- The Operations lockout window now displays the current boss lockouts for your group members.
- Information available on the Operation lockout window is now easier to understand and displays correctly.
- Announcements in Operations are now more distinct.
- Operation raid frames can now be toggled on and off.
- Players will no longer be asked for confirmation when dragging items off the quickslot bar.
- Quickslot bars will no longer duplicate when activating extended bars.
- Passive abilities can no longer be moved to the quickslot bar.
- Using /group in chat will now send communications to the highest group level (i.e. Operations Teams will take precedence over groups).
- Chat channel input now defaults to /general instead of /say.
- Some chat commands have been changed. The following commands now work when used followed by player-created chat channel names: /ctjoin, /cleave, /cinvite, /ckick, /mute, and /unmute.
- Fixed a bug that could cause the Chat window to be placed off-screen with some monitor configurations.
- Added or corrected images for many Codex entries and tutorials.
- Added several new Codex entries for Ilum.
- Added several new tooltips.
- Improved the explanation of rested experience in the experience tooltip.
- Repair tooltips no longer display stats if the values are 0.
- Player tooltips now display when a player is marked as Looking for Group.
- Space Combat ability items now have tooltips.
- The Social Center will now update Looking For Group status more frequently and displays Looking For Group comments by default.
- The UI no longer displays the Quick Group button when players select a character from the opposite faction.
- Updated the art for Social Center notifications.
- Inspecting other players now displays their values for Valor.
- Reduced the number of available titles from alignment, social, and some missions.
- Added level requirements to some tutorials.
- Clarified the wording of many tutorials.
- Closing the tutorial window now closes all read tutorials>
- Added new tips to loading screens and adjusted many tips such that they will display at more relevant times.
Galactic Trade Network:
- Improved the overall UI for the GTN.
- Added many new category and subcategory filter choices.
- Fixed category issues that could cause incorrect listings or other GTN problems.
- Players can now map the mouse wheel up and down to any game function, and the Camera Zoom In/Out can be mapped to keys.
- Removed several obsolete entries from the Preferences Menu.
- Moved some preferences to make them easier to find.
- Preference tooltips will now indicate which options will result in better performance.
- Chat fade is now toggled off by default.
- The Social invites as Social Center message preference is now togged off by default.
- Players will now have fifteen seconds to confirm after changing the game resolution.
- The Automatic Cover bar can now be disable via the Preferences Menu.
- Added a preference that will cause the map to flash red while in combat.
- Added a preference to toggle off the Legacy Bar.
- Update the appearance of the minimap filter toggle buttons.
- Unusable enemy vendors no longer display on the map.
- Crew Skill trainers now show up correctly on the map and minimap.
- The UI no longer enters a bad state when it is reloaded at the end of a Warzone match.
- The Warzone invitation window now reappears if it is active went he player loads into another area.
- The character sheet now correctly displays bolstered weapon damage inside Warzones.
- PvP Codex images have been added for PvP unlockable entries.
Bug Fixes:
- The server login queue now displays more accurate estimates.
- The maximum count of Codex entries now displays correctly for all planets.
- Corrected several incorrect preference tooltips.
- Preferences defaults now have the correct initial settings.
- Shift+F12 can now be remapped.
- Fixed an issue that cause chat to be unviewable when switching from portrait to widescreen.
- Players no longer lose their chat replay target up on area transition.
- The active companion bar no longer remains occasionally after unsummoning a companion.
- The Looking for Group icon no longer displays on the nameplates of players that are no looking for groups.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a players Legacy to incorrectly display other player characters Legacy.
- The players cast bar can no longer incorrectly display another characters cast bar.
- Addressed an issue that cause the minimap arrow to sometimes point in the wrong direction and display an incorrect location.
- The Friends List now updates properly to display friends who are online.
- Trades are now cancelled when the trade window is closed.
- The character sheet now resets when reloading the UI with Ctrl+U.
- Fixed an issue that caused inventory tabs to incorrectly display their capacity.
- Items with very high prices no longer display incorrectly.
- Item preview now works correctly with item hyperlinks.
- Social notifications (like group invitations) now display and behave properly.
- Fixed a tooltip bug that could cause "Main Hand" to incorrectly display in red text.
- Many incorrect icons have been replaced.
Miscellaneous Bug Fixes:
- Dark Side appearances should now always be visible to other players.
- Players who initially lose conversation rolls will now correctly gain bonuses to future rolls until a roll is won.
- Characters now face forward and move at full speed when strafing right or left.
- Players will no longer be dismounted when speaking to a vendor.
- Players are no longer invulnerable after surrendering in a duel.
- Fixed an issue that was causing lag in Warzones and Flashpoints.
- Using strafe after using backwards strafe will now allow the character to move at full speed.
- Players no longer receive rewards for participating in a single-player conversation with guests.
- Fixed several issues that caused weapons to not sheath or unsheath properly.
- Group mates that are too far away or are in another phase when a chest is looted are no longer eligible to roll on that chests loot.
- Made overall improvements to the profanity filter.
- French and German game clients now have their own profanity filters.
- Invalid names can no longer be created by the random name generator.
Undocumented Changes
- Coming soon: Advance your Legacy and unlock unique Legacy Powers and Legacy Character Creation Options! All Legacy Levels earned now will be used when these features are activated.
- Always Show Resolve Bar: Toggles between always showing the resolve bar and only showing the resolve bar when it has resolve in it.
- Emergency Fleet Pass (new ability): Request emergency transportation to the Fleet.
- In-combat range changed resulting in getting out of combat faster.
- Can swap multiple mods at one time now.
- Undiscovered bind points now have floating icons above them in the game world. Once discovered, the icon no longer displays.

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